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Plant Operator III
City of San Clemente, San Clemente, California
Senior Engineer - Instrumentation and Controls
Orange County Sanitation District , Fountain Valley, California
Chief Operator
Howell Mountain Mutual Water Company, Inc., Angwin, California
Finance & Customer Service Manager
Scotts Valley Water District, Scotts Valley, California
Associate Engineer
Delta Diablo , Antioch, California
Water Treatment Supervisor
El Dorado Irrigation District, Placerville, California
Water System Mechanic
City of Glendale, Glendale, California
Electrical/Instrumentation Technician I/II
Cucamonga Valley Water District, Rancho Cucamonga, California
Water Treatment Plant Operator III, IV, V (amended 2/4/2025)
El Dorado Irrigation District, Pollock Pines, California
Control System Technician/Treatment Operator
Goleta Water District, Santa Barbara, California